Exercise Your Mind
Research suggests the practice of identifying your emotions has a similar effect on the brain as a "runner's high" or "cold plunge".
Take 5 minutes to reflect on how you've been and feel the benefits of having put your mind at ease.

Personalize your loops
Everyone has a mental map of their friends and communities, but that doesn't stop us from forgetting someone every once in a while.
Organize your friends and keep them in the loop.

Track Your Growth
The richness of life cannot be summarized by how happy you were in a day. Using Penciv's tagging mechanisms, you'll be able to capture the nuance of each day and look back on all the ways you showed up in life.
This app has really helped with my mental health. I am loving that I can express my emotions in a healthy way. This app is not about the likes and the shares, instead it’s really about community. You have the option to share your feelings and thoughts, though the app for me helps regulate my emotions on a daily bases showing you in real time where your focusing your energy through out the day. The other perk is that it’s free!
Simone Lewis, App Store
I am so bad at journaling and so good at anxiety scrolling.
This app helped me get in the habit of recognizing my feelings, writing them down and sharing honestly with friends (on my own terms). Such a beautiful concept and I have really been enjoying the app thus far!
Lauren_303, App Store
"This really helps with the first step, helping people to track for themselves and see - 'there's a lot of sadness here, there’s a lot of anger here, a lot of confusion' - different things that may be coming up in different spaces.” Mark Allsman, Licensed Professional Counselor Candidate.